St. Peter’s is Growing …
Do You Want to Have a Role
in Helping the Community Grow?
As we increase in numbers and move forward with new programs, there are a number of ways each one of us can be part of this exciting phase of our churchs life. As you know from watching and coming to events, there are many people who already give their time and energy to the church as volunteers:
- being on planning committees
- serving coffee and tea
- welcoming folks at the door for worship on Sundays
Here are some volunteer roles that are particularly needed at this time:
- GREETERS & SIDESPERSONS on Sunday mornings.
A good way to get to know people if you are new to the church is by becoming a Greeter/Sidesperson, welcoming people who come to worship, and taking up the offering. This is a volunteer *team* effort, with people to guide you in what to do. All you need to bring is a nice smile, a friendly demeanor, an interest in people, and the ability to show up when you are scheduled (usually once per month). If you are part of a couple or a family, you can do this together!If you enjoy meeting people and welcoming newcomers to St. Peter’s, please consider volunteering to be a Greeter/Sidesperson.
- GREETERS & SIDESPERSONS on Sunday mornings.
Can you occasionally or fairly regularly offer a ride to someone who would like to attend a worship service? We know of people who would like to come to church, but cannot because they no longer drive. Some people may have to bring along a rollator/walker, but most folks just need a smiling face and a lift to church.If you come to church services relatively regularly and would like to help someone else to do the same, this may be the opportunity for you to be involved in building up the St. Peter’s church community.
Are you intrigued by the thought of using your past or present musical skills to learn to play the chimes in our steeple/bell tower? This involves some practice time, strong arms, and the ability to climb a ladder up the tower.Perhaps you could be the one who organizes others so that there are always bells being rung on a Sunday.
Here are some more opportunities for volunteering your time and talents:
- CHOIRS, CHOIRS, CHOIRS! – Our adult, children’s, and handbell choirs are all back, and new talent is always welcome. CLICK HERE to view our Music page for more information about our many choirs.
- CHANCEL GUILD needs new members. Currently, there are only 5 faithful volunteers who ensure that everything is ready for, and tidied up after, all weekly services. If there are fresh flowers on the altar, volunteers are needed to deliver them to parishioners who are shut-in. Please consider joining this dedicated group.
- A/V EQUIPMENT & SOUND SYSTEM – The sanctuary has a new video system that is used to stream our services live onto the Internet and to provide text and images on the large screens inside the church. Volunteers are needed to assist with this new equipment, and training will be provided. This is a great opportunity to utilize your technical skills, or to learn a new skill.
- TEND THE GARDENS – During the growing seasons, have you admired neat and tidy flower beds and the beautiful flowers that surround our church property? If you enjoy working outside, volunteer to assist Michal and help to make St. Peter’s a gardening show-piece in the community.
- SPECIAL EVENTS which bring our parishioners and the community together. Willing hands and joyful hearts are always needed. Please call the office to offer your services to set up, and to assist with, special event operations. There is always a need for volunteers to help with the tear-down and clean-up afterwards.
If these opportunities do not match your gifts or talents, think of other ways in which you might be able to offer help. You can speak to one of the current volunteers, or contact the church office:
- Telephone: 905-372-3442
- E-mail: info@stpeterscobourg.org
Someone will follow up with you to discuss your idea further and then you can decide if it’s right for you. Be assured, there will be more opportunities coming along in the near future as we continue to grow in God’s mission for St.Peters.
By stepping out of your comfort zone and giving your time and talents, you can develop a sense of belonging, connectedness and well-being.
It can be fun and rewarding to work with others to show God’s love and care in our church, and in the community.