Alpha Program

Wednesday Evenings

January 29 to April 09, 2025



Alpha is a Christian teaching program that helps to share the Good News of Jesus. Its aim is to draw Christians into a deeper walk of faith and understanding of what it means to have Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour.  The Alpha course is remarkably successful.  It has been used for the last 40+ years in some 175 countries in some 100 different languages.
St. Peter’s will launch an Alpha program on Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
Typically a group of interested people (do not have to be churchgoers) meet in a home where they are provided with a social time at the start followed by a full meal. The course then consists of some 11 evenings with a 45-minute video explaining different elements of the Christian faith. People then break up into small discussion groups with a “facilitator” to “lead” the discussion.  The intention is to “fill out/explain” what was contained in the video. At the end of the course, there is a weekend spent contemplating the initial introduction to the Christian faith.
Our Alpha program will be offered in the home of Mark and Ann Hares, who will provide the full course meals/coffee etc.
There is no cost to participate in this program.
The address is 28 Brook Road South, Cobourg.
Telephone: 289-251-0991 or 289-251-1833.