Sunday Morning Children’s Program
We continue into chapel after the children’s focus and on from chapel to our own lessons in our various locations. We will, as always join our families at communion time.
Parents, please note that there is a basket at the back of the church in the family area. It contains toys. If you feel the need for these items during any of our services, please feel free to get them yourself or ask a sides person.

Jan Stapleton, Director of our Church School, believes children should learn Christianity in an atmosphere of fun and love and in warm and intersting surroundings. She has equipped our beautiful church school rooms with a wide variety of aids to enjoyable learning that, together with highly-dedicated Christian instruction and example, makes attendance at St. Peter’s church school one of the highlights of the week for our children.
The Church School at St. Peter’s is very lively. The Christian education, well-being and fellowship of children are addressed.
We run a number of programs all taught by a dedicated and lively group of volunteers. The younger children hear stories from a large selection of Bible-based picture books as well as a collection of basket stories. They don’t just hear the story; they are encouraged to play with it and to express their faith, knowledge and understanding at a number of activity centres of their choice during their time with us each Sunday. As the children mature they are guided into and through Bible study with matching activities as well as a selection of age appropriate study baskets where they make connections to their church experiences and the Bible. All of the children are engaged in learning to pray their own prayers as well as the Lord’s Prayer, The Lord is my Shepherd and the Creed.
We are always planning activities for our children. The Vacation Bible School is always held the week after the long week-end in August.
If you are interested in further information about our Sunday programs, please contact Jan Stapleton by leaving a message at the church office at (905) 372-3442.