The Reverend Matthew McMillan
The Reverend Matthew McMillan, a Peterborough native, is our Rector here at St. Peter’s. He shares that he followed a career path with several twists and turns before becoming an Anglican Priest. “Growing up, I was encouraged to think about ministry, but I had other impressions about what I should do or where I should be, as many do.” Fr. Matthew first considered entering politics, as his great-grandfather had been a Member of Parliament for Peterborough-East. For a time he felt that perhaps he should follow suit, “dispensing wisdom and making important decisions.” To that end, he pursued an undergraduate degree in Political Science at Huron College (Western University), and worked for the provincial government. After a year, however, he went on medical leave after an auto-immune illness and discerned a different path. He then chose to study Agricultural Business at the University of Guelph, inspired by his passion for nature and farming. Although he enjoyed his studies, he ultimately felt a deeper calling. Father Matthew says, “Having through my own journey experienced a great transformation which guided me from seeking power and authority, to places of nurturing life and experiencing the giftedness of being open to each moment, I knew inside that I had a calling for a religious vocation, that would allow me to serve my community through counselling, prayer, and communal labours for holy causes.”
His faith became his anchor in life, leading him to Trinity College at the University of Toronto to pursue a Master’s of Divinity, and ultimately to seek ordination to become a parish priest. Since 2007, he has served parishes in Agincourt, Cookstown, Innisfil, Stony Lake, Richmond Hill and finally here in Cobourg. Fr. Matthew and his wife Pam, a high school teacher at CCI have enjoyed their welcome to Cobourg and are quickly putting down roots in the community. They and their 4 children, Riley, Keely, Molly & Dougal, have settled in nicely to the Rectory and are thankful for the warm welcome they have received from our parish family and community.
Please reach out to Fr. Matthew through the main office phone (905) 372-3442 or by E-mail at rector@stpeterscobourg.org should you have any pastoral needs, or any inquires.

The Reverend William Simon
The Reverend William Simon was born and grew up north of Montreal, until moving to Cobourg in 1996 with his parents, Colleen and Murray, and his sister Ria.
The family joined St. Peter’s and thrived in the parish. He married his wife Rachelle at St. Peters, and they now have two children, Alex and Lily.
In 1999, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, local Squadron 598 “Sabre”, and spent every summer on training courses until retiring at the age of 19.
At the age of 17 he received his flying scholarship for aircraft training and became a pilot. During the off seasons of school and training, Will, with his Dad, travelled all over North America. Will also attend CDCI West, where he graduated in 2004, with fond memories of all of the beloved band practices and trips.
With his vast love of Geography, Will studied at Trent University and graduated in 2008 with his undergraduate degree in Geography and Mathematics.
While growing up, Will spent much of his youth in-and-out of the Montreal Shriner’s Hospital for treatment dealing with his club foot. At the age of 29, with issues still deteriorating with his foot, he decided to amputate his leg. During this time of self reflection and ever trusting in his faith, Will began to develop ministry, working with fellow amputees, and coaching people through the amputation process.
In 2018 he began the EfM (Education for Ministry) program along with fellow members of the parish and together, they graduated in 2022. Having always felt called to serve others, and to show Christ’s redemptive love in the world, Will was ordained as our new Deacon here at St. Peter’s in June, 2022.
“One never knows where the call for service will come from, but tell God your plans and hold on dearly, and always try to put your best (or only foot ) forward.”
Rev. Will works full time at a retail electronic game store, and during ministry hours, he does home care, hospital visits, hospice visits, and community outreach.
Please reach out to Rev. Will through the main office phone (905) 372-3442 or by E-mail at williamsimon@trentu.ca should you have any pastoral needs, or any inquires.

The Reverend Sheila Archer
The Rev. Sheila Archer graduated from Sir Sandford Fleming College with a Diploma in Business Administration and Accounting. She and her husband Orville moved to Hamilton Township in 1969, where they raised three children, and now have six grandchildren.
Following retirement from her first career, Sheila enrolled at the University of Toronto’s School of Theology, Wycliffe College and graduated in May, 2003. She was Ordained into the Sacred Order of Deacons in June, 2006 and began service as a Deacon at the Parish of Perrytown. She continued her work at St John the Evangelist, Port Hope, then came to St. Peter’s, Cobourg, where her particular ministry is to provide Spiritual Care to the many guests who attend our ‘Soupertime Luncheon’ from 11:30 – 12:30 every Tuesday. She also assists with services to the Landmark/Extendicare and Golden Plough retirement homes in Cobourg, and provides Spiritual Support to the Women’s Group ‘AWARE’ (Anglican Women Alive Renewed Enriched) which holds its annual conference at Elim Lodge on Pidgeon Lake the first weekend in May.
Sheila now considers herself to be “semi-retired” and likes to pursue her various hobbies: all of her grandchildren, watching the boys play hockey, knitting, quilting with her sister, and reading. Sheila also loves music and was once the Organist and Choir Director at St. Georges, Gores Landing.
Honorary Assistant Priests

The Reverend Dr. Monique Taylor
After several years in the labour force, Monique completed her post-secondary education, receiving a doctorate in history from McGill University in Montreal in 2004. After a return to the labour force, it was not long before she went back to university, specifically Wycliffe College, to explore questions of faith and Christian tradition. She completed her Master of Divinity in 2015 and was ordained in 2016.
Monique completed her curacy at the Church of St. Andrew in Scarborough, where she also served as Associate Priest for a time.
In 2018 her ministry took her to serve as Priest-in-Charge and then Incumbent of St. James the Apostle in Brampton.
In 2023, Monique retired and moved with her husband Deryk to Cobourg.
Shortly after her retirement, she began an interim position as Priest-in-Charge at St. Peter’s Oshawa, where she served for nine months.
“For me, being retired from parish ministry does not mean being retired from ministry and so I am very pleased to serve as Honourary Assistant in the parish of St. Peter’s Cobourg.”

The Reverend Michael Li
Michael’s biography will soon appear in this space.