Three services per week are held in the main church and St Paul’s Chapel. Our ordained clergy and lay assistants all offer leadership. They also help in holding services for shut–ins and in seniors’ residences. St Peter’s also hosts large community services such as Remembrance Sunday, and ecumenical events.

Health and Healing Ministries
With a full-scale Parish Nursing program at its hub, over 90 parish volunteers take turns in providing Pastoral Care in homes and seniors residences through caring teams focusing on those most in need, weekly Health Clinics, and Education for Healthy Living courses to over 200 clients. Health education events are also regularly hosted.
Outreach Ministries
Outreach is a major priority and involves some twenty programs at local, diocesan and international levels:
Local initiatives include:
- The St. Peter’s Crisis Response Fund helps many people in financial difficulty.
- In the late 1960s,St. Peter’s Court, consisting of 63 small bungalows, was built on church property for seniors with limited incomes or disabilities. It continues to be home to approximately 70 residents.
Diocesan initiatives include:
- At Diocesan level St. Peter’s is a keen supporter of Faithworks.
International initiatives include:
- Mzuzu – St Peter’s is twinned with St Mark’s, Mzuzu, Malawi, where it provides a feeding, education, and health care program to 250 HIV/AIDS orphans.This program has become so well known in Cobourg and beyond that many non–parishioners make significant contributions.
Christian Education Ministries
Much of the recent multi-million dollar Millennium building addition and renovation was based on the need for up-to-date facilities for Christian Education for all ages. These new facilities host a weekday Pre–School, a thriving Sunday School, and various other church–sponsored and community–sponsored educational events. St. Peter’s also hosts large events yearly such as Trent Durham Area Day and Conferences. A Resource Centre provides an up-to-date collection of literature, videos, DVDs, etc.
Music Ministries
St. Peter’s has a tradition of good music and the present is no exception. We have a vocal choir involving different ages. Chimers play the tower bells installed in the early 1900s, although the chimes are currently getting a rest while awaiting repairs to the church tower later in 2023.
Community Building
Within our parish family are several groups which provide communities of faith and fellowship. About every two months as many as 100 women of the parish meet for breakfast and hear life stories in “Women of Faith” Also, up to 50 men of the parish meet for dinner and fellowship and to hear interesting speakers. They also support outreach projects such as providing Christmas hampers. There are also smaller groups for various ages built around specific needs and interests such as quilting, computer instruction, parenting, etc.
Much emphasis is placed on keeping parish members informed about St. Peter’s and the Parish Council gives it priority. There is a weekly newsletter called Keymail sent by email on Tuesdays, and other special announcements are sent by email, as needed.
In other areas St Peter’s is blessed to have members who can provide professional advice and expertise from their working lives. These are prominent in such areas as Stewardship Development, Financial reporting, catering, volunteer recruitment and management, teaching and nursing, and library management.
St Peter’s members’ skills and activities reach beyond the parish. Many are leaders in secular charities, community leaders, and service club executives. Some serve on committees of the Diocese and the National Church and are often asked to provide guidance to other parishes.