Director of Music – Syd Birrell
Syd’s CV is multifaceted and dynamic. Born in Sarnia, ON, he began his musical career as a young chorister at St. George’s Anglican Church in Montreal. He studied at the Royal School of Church Music in London, England, and at the Royal College of Music. Syd is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists.
Read more about Syd by clicking HERE.
Music News – Thanksgiving, 2023
A Message from our Organist and Choirmaster, Syd Birrell
I have been at St Peter’s for all of five months, your warm welcome makes me feel I have been with you for years, it’s great to be a part of the St Peter’s church family.
I have been working both within the church and in the wider Cobourg and Port Hope community to expand our music program. If you can help with any of the following initiatives, or can suggest people who might be interested, please contact me. sbirrell@sympatico.ca You will have seen that we regularly invite outside musicians to join us, helping us get the word out that St Peter’s is an exciting place to be on Sunday morning.
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Senior Choir
Under the direction of Syd Birrell
The senior choir leads the music at the 10:30am service every Sunday. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Sheppard Auditorium. Occasionally extra rehearsals help us to prepare for the Festival Seasons of the church year. On most Sunday mornings the Senior Choir sings an anthem.
Membership in the choir is open to anyone who likes to sing. Reading music is helpful, but not essential. Rehearsals involve warm-ups and instruction for improving vocal technique. You do not have to phone ahead or audition. Arrive a few minutes early on a Thursday evening so that a music packet can be put together for you.
Children’s Choir
Under the direction of Syd Birrell
We have started a Junior Choir. We meet Thursdays at 4pm for 45 minutes. Ages 7 to 12 welcome, children outside the church are most welcome.
In addition to having fun singing, the choristers will learn basic music theory, as we follow the guidelines of the Royal School of Church Music for training choristers.

Handbell Choir
The handbell choir is back in business, meeting on Tuesday mornings to rehearse under the direction of Trinity United organist Debbie Fingas. Newcomers are asked to call Kay MacLeod at the office, (905) 372-3442. New ringers are always welcome. We look forward to hearing the handbells in church at Thanksgiving and at Christmas.
Instruments of Worship

Pipe Organ
The organ began as a Warren and was rebuilt by Casavant. The quality of the service is enhanced by the excellent acoustics and one of the finest pipe organs in this part of Ontario.
The bell-tower chimes have been an important feature of St. Peter’s since the early days of the last century. They were installed in 1905 to celebrate the Jubilee of the present building and to serve as a memorial to several past members. Due to structural weaknesses in the tower, the chimes are not in use at this time, but repairs to the tower which are now underway will soon allow the chimes to ring out once again, later in 2023.
We have adult handbells, an excellent piano, and a lovely harpsichord for playing music.