Worship Services

Worship is a pivotal and vital part of St. Peter’s. Worship draws us together as God’s people in thanksgiving, praise and prayer. We offer a variety of weekly and seasonal services.

Seasonal Services

Special services are held at various times during the Church year.

Tuesday December 24 - Christmas Eve
4:00 PM
- Family Christmas Eve Service with live animals! in the Church
7:30 PM
- Candlelight Christmas Eve Service (with choir) in the Church
11:00 PM
- Midnight Mass Candlelight Service (with carols) in the Church
Wednesday December 25 - Christmas Day

10:30 am - Christmas Day Service (With Carols) in the Church
Thursday December 26 - Boxing Day

Please note:  The regular Thursday morning service is cancelled today
Sunday December 29

8:30 AM
- BCP Holy Communion in the Chapel
10:30 AM
- Lessons and Carols Service in the Church
Sunday January 05 - Feast of Epiphany

8:30 AM
- BCP Holy Communion in the Chapel
10:30 AM
- BAS Choral Eucharist in the Church